This site was begun as a way to "let off steam" and report erratic driving at the same time. However, letting off steam does not include vulgarity and personal attacks against others who are enjoying the same privilege of posting as you are.
We recognize, and are grateful for, the attention that the national news media has garnered upon us. But, this also means that the eyes of the nation, and the world, are upon us via those same media operations. Do we really want the rest of the world to see us a a bunch of loud-mouthed, foul-mouthed cretins, whining and arguing amongst ourselves over which laws we want to obey and which ones are inconvenient to us? Do we want other, potentially influential visitors, to stay away because of these kindergarten antics?
I say a resounding NO! While we are against censorship, a sense of common good must prevail. And so, we are making a few changes, in reflection of the international community, of all ages, who may visit our site:
1) Profanity is forbidden. If you can't think of a better way to say it, use a dictionary or a thesaurus, or simply don't post. (#$!&* replacements will be tolerated where applicable)2) Debate is good, personal attacks against those you disagree with is not. If you wish to debate an issue, then stick to the issue, not the personality, intelligence, or other characteristics of the poster.3) When posting a wire, if you don't know the plate number, don't make up a cute saying. Put in the letters/numbers you DO know, and "X" out the rest. 4) Learn the difference between a WIRE and a BLOG entry. Wires are to inform the public about vehicles and the driving environment; Blogs are to discuss driving issues.5) Recognize that this is a dynamic site: it is learning, improving, and improvising constantly, at the will of the creator, in response to his visitors. Demands to change, pouting about design or usage issues, and general childishness will not be tolerated. If you want something different than what was originally designed into this site, then start your own...put your own effort, dollars, time, sweat, and frustration into doing your thing, rather than criticizing those who have already done it.
Violations of the above will result in removal of messages, wires, and/or, ultimately, the user.
Thank you to DRIVETEACH for putting this together
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a@href@title, strike
Disclaimer The opinions expressed herein are my own personal opinions and do not represent my employer's view in any way.