It's been a hectic begining of the year, but things are finally starting to get into a groove. Today PlateWire reached a lifetime total of 5 million hits (The majority of the hits began after November)!
I've been busy working on a brand new interface, one that I feel will make PlateWire more useful and user-friendly. I am also considering allowing members who so choose, to create a public profile which would display wires and blogs filled, as well as their description and pic(s). I also plan to add private messaging for users, this way I won't have to be the relay for so many 
Once the new version is ready for testing, I will be inviting "Core" members to test drive and kick the tires. If there are any small features or requests, please forward them to me now, before it's too late! J/K. PlateWire will continue to evolve and adapt, keeping the primary goal in mind, making the roads safer for all. Communication is key and I will be focussing on this and many other aspects moving forward.
Thanks go out to all of you,
Mark Buckman